You are currently viewing 2024 marzec – Stacja Uzdatniania Wody w Sławkowie

March 2024 – Water Treatment Plant in Sławków

We are pleased to announce that last week we signed a contract for the design and construction of a water treatment plant in Sławków (Będzin district). The plant will have a capacity of 100 m³/h. As part of the reconstruction, we are implementing the equipment of deep water intakes, water treatment technology including an aeration system, single-stage pressure filtration, RO softening, UV + ClO disinfection.2 and the reconstruction of inter-facility networks, the modernization of the SUW building and the construction of a new Trafo station. The planned launch of the facility is to take place next year.

In the attached photograph we can see the Mayor of Sławków – Mr. Rafał Adamczyk and the President of the Management Board of Proffico – Cezary Rokicki.