


In this area of activity we mainly cooperate with the municipal sector and industry. But we are not just a "seller" of pumps, mixers, diffusers, samplers - we provide our customers with a comprehensive solution, from consulting and initial pricing to the optimal selection of equipment, taking into account their needs and budget.

Proffico's offer is constantly expanding and is being adapted to the expectations of customers and the developing market. That is why we also offer the rental of pumps, samplers for accredited sewage sampling and we enable testing of the Concertor pump control system, which improves the pump's operation in terms of the lowest energy consumption.

In the field of wastewater management, we are a specialized, honest and reliable partner that you can trust.

Product groups


Flygt Pumps


Proffico offers TOP sewage pumping stations because it is the most economical solution providing the lowest operating costs. In the offered pumping stations, in addition to a suitable durable tank and TOP insert eliminating bottom sediments, Flygt N or F series pumps are used with effective sewage hydraulics, resistance to clogging and with a flushing system protecting against the formation of scum. 



For effective and efficient mixing of sewage and sludge with very low energy consumption, Proffico offers Flygt mixers. The Flygt mixers have specially shaped propeller blades, thanks to which they achieve increased thrust compared to typical designs and above-standard self-cleaning ability (no fiber winding effect).

Aeration of sewage


For wastewater aeration, Proffico offers reliable and cost-effective Sanitare systems from the Flygt Xylem group. Sanitare membrane diffusers are designed to provide the highest possible energy efficiency – experience from previous implementations indicates that they can reduce energy consumption by up to 20% compared to conventional fine bubble aeration systems. 



Watersam samplers offered by Proffico are used for accredited sampling of sewage in wastewater treatment plants or industrial plants. Samplers can take samples proportionally to time, volume and flow or perform point sampling. An additional advantage of these devices is the use of vacuum pumps for sewage collection, thanks to which a programmed amount of sewage is always collected.



The offered Continental Industrie Blawers blowers are characterized by simplicity, quality and durability of workmanship. These are devices dedicated to difficult applications in various industries. In recent years, the company has developed a new generation of blowers characterized by high efficiency. Standard production refers to the efficiency of devices from 100 to 55'000 m³/h and pressure up to 2 bar.



Microfiltration is increasingly used as the final stage of purification. Compact systems with the possibility of installation in channels and pressure systems are used for microfiltration. They provide high efficiency at low installation, use and maintenance costs. Low energy consumption and simple construction make the devices an optimal way to purify wastewater and water.

Inflow regulators for secondary settling tanks


Inflow regulators for secondary settling tanks are an ideal solution for sewage treatment plant operators who have problems with the so-called "sludge carry-out". Hydrogav has patented adjustable columns, thanks to which the inflow of sewage occurs ideally into the created sludge sedimentation mantle. In practice, this means an increase in the hydraulic efficiency of settling tanks.

Sewage disinfection


Mobile ZORRO chlorinators can be used to disinfect sewage by dosing sodium hypochlorite directly into sewage manholes. Special nozzles are mounted at the end of the dosing pipe, through which the disinfectant is sprayed, thus eliminating unwanted bacteria and viruses from sewage.