You are currently viewing 2022 listopad – Segmentowa Stacja Uzdatniania Wody Proffico w Brzozowie Starym

November 2022 – Proffico Segmental Water Treatment Plant in Brzozów Stary

  • Post author:
  • Post published:November 24, 2022
  • Post category:News / Projects
We have completed the investment for the Poświętne Commune! 
Last week we put into operation another segment station, made in Scandinavian style as an ideal solution for small and medium-sized municipalities and industry.
The station in Brzozów Stary consists of 6 containers and has a production capacity of up to 1,600 m³/d, which allows for supplying water to approx. 16,000 inhabitants.
The facility has complete technological equipment, including a pressure aeration system (static mixer + aerator), pressure filtration (single or two-stage), air flushing system, water flushing system (tank + pump), chlorine dioxide disinfection, network pumping station, UV disinfection. The blower and flushing pump are controlled by an inverter in the constant flow function. The filters are equipped with separate flow meters and regulators ensuring their even load. The facility has a remote data transfer function, emergency power supply and an emergency drinking water packaging system.
The biggest advantage of this solution is its modularity and the ability to assemble individual technology elements like Lego blocks. If the demand for water increases, e.g. in 5 years, we deliver another container, which will increase the efficiency of the station. 
As part of the project, we also completed: equipping 2 deep wells, building a two-chamber reinforced concrete treated water tank with a total capacity of 500 m3, building a backwash water settling tank, constructing roads, fencing and landscaping.
All work was carried out just like in the old days, i.e. in harmony, understanding and a wonderful atmosphere on the part of the Investor and the User.
I would like to thank all Proffico employees for their hard work, effort and commitment in this technically advanced project.