You are currently viewing 2023 sierpień – Microsoft i nagroda dla pracownika Proffico

August 2023 – Microsoft and the award for the Proffico employee

For three months now Proffico implements a cooling water treatment system for Microsoft computer servers. Our work is not too complicated in terms of technical aspects, but it is exceptionally difficult in terms of health and safety regulations. Microsoft, as an American company, attaches great importance to potential accidents at work and potential claims in this respect. As a result, in addition to typical personal protective equipment such as: helmet, glasses, footwear, vests, etc., our employees must comply with other rules such as:
  • the obligation to use gas masks and long gloves when gluing PVC pipes (ambient temperature above 30 degrees),
  • ban on using ladders,
  • ban on using platforms above two steps (30 cm),
  • ban on using retractable knives,
  • ban on using tools powered by 230V, etc.
An employee who breaks the above regulations receives only one warning. A second warning is equivalent to leaving the construction site for life. As you might imagine, with many construction teams on such a large construction site, there were at least several cases of employees being expelled from various companies every day. In relation to signed contracts and penalties, replacing expelled employees with new people was and is a big problem for each company.
That is why we are extremely pleased to boast that our employees not only did not receive any warnings but were even rewarded for their work and compliance with the applicable rules. This is evidence not only of their reliability, but also of their understanding of the rules of the game and respect for the other side. We thank you and express our special appreciation for colleague Marcin – BHP award winners (Marcin is a great man with a heart of gold, and now he has become our star :-)). Congratulations!
Some technical information:
  • the water cooling the processor cores circulates in a closed system,
  • the feed water is subjected to treatment processes based on pressure filtration and membrane systems, including RO),
  • every device, circuit or installation is duplicated,
  • the connection power of this type of servers (popular clouds) is about 80 MW…