Content patronage and organizer: Chamber of Commerce "Polish Waterworks".
Place, date: Radisson Blu Centrum Hotel in Warsaw, 15-16.02.2016
The 2nd Environmental Protection Forum, of which we had the honour to be a partner, was devoted to climate protection in the context of urban development and the opportunities that renewable energy creates for water and sewage companies. During the debates, the issues of moral aspects of environmental protection were raised, the need to change the way of thinking about the environment and to introduce a new pro-ecological lifestyle was emphasised. The aim of the meeting was also to draw attention to the need for an honest debate and ethical assessment of development models, as well as the passion that should accompany care for the ecosystem. During the forum, we had the opportunity to learn the opinions of many authorities in the field of environmental protection, such as Prof. Jerzy Buzek - Chairman of the Committee on Transmission, Research and Energy in the European Parliament, Mariusz Gajda - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Environment, Tomasz Żuchowski - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, Prof. Jadwiga Rotnicka - Vice-Chairwoman of the Senate Environmental Committee, Prof. Andrzej Mizgajski - Chairman of the State Council for Environmental Protection, Prof. Marek Gromiec – Representative of the National Water Management Council, Dr. Tadeusz Rzepecki – Chairman of the IGWP Council, Olgierd Dziekoński – advisor to the President of BOŚ and many others. The meeting also gave us the opportunity to present our innovative solutions in the matter of supplying residents with water, which perfectly fit into the pro-ecological policy of urban development.