Municipal industry - sewage sludge dewatering
Food industry - pressing vegetables and fruits, juice extraction
Product Features

Piston presses produced by the Swiss company Bucher Unipektin AG are characterized by low electricity consumption and high technical durability.
The experience gained so far from operating Bucher piston presses at sewage treatment plants show that Dewatering results range from 25% to 45% DM and are limited only by the "upper dewaterability limit".
The main element of the press is a cylinder and a piston. Between them are located special drains that carry the filtrate to the sewage system. The sludge-flocculant mixture is fed to the cylinder using a screw pump, filling the free space between the drains. The size of the cylinder and the number of drains (including the filtration surface) determine the efficiency of the press. Our offer includes 4 press models - from a cylinder volume of 3,300 l, through 6,000 l, 7,500 l to 12,000 l.
The type of presses offered by us has been manufactured since the 1960s; in Poland there are over 200 piston presses operating in the industrial sector and currently the presses have also been installed in sewage treatment plants in Radom, Rzeszów, Puławy, Lubartów and Józefów.
More information about the manufacturer of piston presses can be found at:

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Ask for details
Contact a specialist dedicated to this product
Cezary Rokicki
tel. +48 601 390 924

Pulawy, Radom, Rzeszow, Józefow, Lubartow
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Our products in use